Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Sperm Injection (IMSI)

Infertility treatment using IMSI treatment improves the chances of IVF (in Vitro fertilization). It is recommended after unsuccessful IVF treatment several times. IMSI is an alteration of the ICSI technique where sperm samples are examined in the laboratory by a microscope zooming 6000 times (more powerful than that used in ICSI) to assess their morphology. We recommend IMSI if there are low sperm count and the high proportion of abnormally shaped sperm or proof of poor outcomes with previous ICSI treatments. In IMSI, a good quality sperm is chosen from the sample and then is used to carry out ICSI.

We provide the best IMSI treatment center at Paaranu Test-Tube Baby centre in Surat so that it helps in improving the success rate of IVF and it is better than ICSI in patients with 2 IVF or ICSI failures.

Intracytoplasmic Morphological Sperm Injection: IMSI treatment in SURAT (at our centre) is performed in conjunction with IVF. Here one egg is injected with the best morphological sperm selected under high power magnification of 6000 under an inverted microscope with the use of micro-manipulator and complete characteristics of spermatozoa are analyzed internally. Even if there are any tiny defects in the sperms it can be detected.

When to go for IMSI?

  1. Couples with two failed ICSI cycles.
  2. Having morphology of poor spermatozoa with abnormal shape and structure of spermatozoa.